Integrity is:

  • committing to act according to personal principles that society would generally recognize as good and just.

  • following through on that commitment even when doing so is against your self interest or no one is watching;

  • having the self awareness and humility to admit when you make a mistake and did not act with integrity, and recommit to the principles.  

Intentional integrity is:

Making specific, authentic human efforts within an organization to openly and directly encourage a culture that regularly promotes integrity.

Do you have integrity?  Each person needs to answer that for themselves, mindful of the fact that most of us tend to give ourselves the benefit of the doubt, and view ourselves in the most positive light.  Integrity requires intentionality of thought and purpose -- and it's easier when you think through what integrity moments you might be confronted with in life in advance, and make a decision up front how you'll deal with it.